Thyborøn Trawldoors keypt Lemmavirkið í Vági

Petur Kjærbech heldur áfram sum stjóri

Lemmavirkið Rock Trawldoors í Vági er nú selt til danska lemmavirkið Thyborøn Trawldoors.

Hesum boðar felagið frá í dag.

Boðað verður eisini frá, at framleiðslan heldur áfram í Vági og at Petur Kjærbech heldur áfram sum stjóri í felagnum, sum kemur at virka sum eitt sjálvstøðugt felag.

Á facebook-vangnum hjá Thyboron Trawldoor siga teir soleiðis um keypið.

Thyboron Trawldoor has made an agreement with Rock Trawldoor on the Faroe Islands.

We are happy to announce that Thyboron Trawldoors has bought all the shares in Rock Trawldoors.

Rock Trawldoors will continue with the same management and crew as today with Petur Kjaerbæk as Director and Samal Trolle as production manager.

The production will continue in the same location on the Harbour front in Vagur, an island of the Faroe Islands

Rock Trawldoors will operate as an independent company with its own line of products and management.

We are at Thyboron Trawldoors very proud that the shareholders trust us to continue their almost 20 year company in the same spirit and we look forward to see what the future brings.

Our goal is to help with optimizing the production facility and line of products and to secure local production of high quality trawldoors on the Faroe Island.

For any questions feel free to contact

Thyboron Trawldoors

Lars Andreasen


[email protected]